InventorSmart / NIC is a great opportunity to expand your business and brand. We are constantly working behind the scene to ensure inventors have a fighting chance at success. We want to see you WIN! Get in the game! 1) include your website address & social media handle(s) in your bio 2) Add a pic to your bio (it’s not in your best interest to be in witness protection). 3) read the benefits of premium membership and determine if they can help you accelerate in your process. 4) If you are a “Premium Member”, schedule your “SPOTLIGHT” interview by contacting our VP of Community Samantha. This is a great opportunity to get content to grow and gain exposure for your invention, product, and brand. REMINDER: ALL PREMIUM MEMBERS: It’s time to elevate and shift to the next level. Exposure is extremely important for an inventor. If you haven’t scheduled your SPOTLIGHT, we need every member to get on the schedule ASAP. There’s a lot of premium members and we need to schedule accordingly to ensure quality not quantity. Let’s Do This!! See you in the light 💡..

Posted by shawn.taylor at 2024-06-01 15:56:54 UTC