We just wrapped up another great night with the Inventor Smart Community. Tonight was yet another reminder to those of us who participated, that this is exactly what it's name says - a COMMUNITY. We shared a lot of real life stories and experiences that any inventor would appreciate and gain necessary information from. Folks from any stage of the game ( I am still in Dreamer stage ) can partake in either just sponging up fantastic info, or sharing your valuable ideas and your own opinions. The Premium membership level is a BARGAIN for what we can all gain from here. This is a very open environment for anyone to feel uplifted and supported, and not judged or silenced. Come join at the Premium level and see what I am talking about! I really think you will agree that it's so worth it. Brian has invented and cultivated this awesome Inventor Smart App for all of us to be together to help foster the Inventor journey and mind set. Thank you so very much Brian for what you have built, and what you continue to grow for every one of us! Happy Inventing and Innovating, Joe
Posted by Joseph Vanek at 2025-02-05 02:33:20 UTC