THEORETICAL ANALYSIS: Its a theoretical analysis of the result of a poll survey about 4 stages of inventing process from idea to design to prototyping to launch, posted here in INVENTOR SMART COMMUNITY APP. Result of the survey was as follows: IDEA stage favourite is 54% DESIGN stage favourite is 15% PROTOTYPE stage favourite is 8% LAUNCH stage favourite is 23% (a) The result is showing that till prototype stage it's gradually decreasing in percentage, from 54% to 15% and then 8% but after getting a prototype, it's suddenly increased, from 8% to perhaps that there is increased tendency of enthusiasm and confidence (for going to next stage, launch) in persons who have created successfully some possible prototype..obviously now someone has something real, tangible thing in his hands about which someone had once dreamed be at this stage when there exist some prototype, now in this 23% people, there also includes other stake holders or interested parties such as investors, licencees and manufacturers partners or whole sale dealers etc.. Note: it's not showing in the survey poll whether it's first, second or final prototype and on what criteria sampling was made in survey? b) In other words perhaps one can read the survey result that the persons, having inventing abilities or having interest in such are/can be the different stake holders, inclined more towards their preferable area/stage of inventing process as a whole perhaps, because such as, without seed/idea, no body goes further in this inventing process, so it may means that there are many many other stake holders in remaining 46 percent of people (other then 54% of idea preferring people) who may be are the borrowers of the seeds/ideas from others genuine thinkers and idea makers/idea generators. These can be the licensees/manufacturers/cheaters/innovators, copy pastors, etc.. (c) whether the remaining 46 percent of people (other then 54% of idea preferring people) whose most preference in favourite is not idea stage are distributed in remaining preferences and they prefer some tangible activities ( yes! Some people feel more confident and have hands on experience in practical doings/ and that's why they have some less thinking tendency, and that's why they may feel boredom in just mere thinking about finding some great idea/ideas/solutions to problems or just to polish it more and more and just enjoying imaginations .... (d) It's very important to see that only 8 percent people prefer prototype stage. This is the stage which really bridges the gap in whole process of transfering an idea into some tangible shape/existence and then launch it in market to sell. Moreover, does it mean that only 8% people's most favourite stage is prototype and they are not idea makers or they are just prototype builders or they belong to some hardware skilled people/companies or does it mean that these 8% people are not thinking people or they give less importance to imagine and to find some great ideas/solutions to problems in different fields/industries/social sciences. ACTUALLY FROM SOME THINKING ANGLE, THERE ARE JUST TWO STAGES, IDEA & PROTOTYPE STAGES. OTHERS ARE ITS JUST EXTENSIONS AND WISE PEOPLE KNOW IT. For example designing is also an element/extension of prototyping process. Actually it's design and development in a set form and not only designing because it's connecting with each other starting from illustrating the idea in some sketch work/form in mind or on paper/computer screen/on soil by drawing lines on soil and then using some material/devices/mechanism etc. sometimes both are inter mixed and sometimes comes in reverse order or goes to some other direction then what was in the starting scene or imagination because of some better approach is seen or is visualised or discovered during the process in product life cycle of it's original making. In this way one thing strengthens another so that one can move forward in product life cycle with right decisions/some right decisions on each step/phase, according to available resources and the chances and knowledge and blessings with time and space along with mutual consultation and brain storming within the team minds or also taking some outside help and support. Tough and persistent and committed minded people or their team can create some model/prototype. This is the ability which matters most in all process..genuinely speaking perhaps But It does not mean that in getting success, the role of marketers and salesmen team is less, But without having some tangible goods and product they can just wait and can not start any thing in real.. Better is to stop analysing further here, due to the fear of longevity of this response to the poll survey. Note: some data information in detail would perhaps be more interesting, such as, whether the persons giving idea stage most favourite are also the same persons whose 2nd preference was also the design stage or it's different for many other, vice versa.... So it's needed perhaps, to have more in depth sampling and sub sectioned questions and answers for better understanding. Anyways! Congratulations to make such survey....ππΌ Note: it is highly recommended for new inventors that on a you tube channel, PRODUCT TANK, a very practical approach is adapted by a young man in explaining these concepts/things. Concepts of stages/process are well described in this you tube channel (product tank) with examples of some visible projects/products...., hopefully it's still available on YouTube. Thanks for reading. ππΌππ΄ (h.mahmood) ππΌππ΄
Posted by h.mahmood at 2025-01-25 15:51:14 UTC