Hello Fellow Inventors! Hope all is well. Cherra here, Inventor and Advocate. There is something on my mind. I’ll get to the point. I have been asking and seeking answers to this question for many years. If I’m honest about it all I have got is the same answer and runaround. CRICKETS! So my question is, how do we connect with resources that actually assist Independent Inventors with FUNDING Resources to at the very least help with PROTOTYPE Development? There has got to be a better way to assist these extraordinary creative individuals. Yes, Kickstarter & Indiegogo is promising. However, with Kickstarter according to their guidelines you must already have an actual PROTOTYPE before you can be on their platform to raise funds. Fellow Inventors, any suggestions on how we can connect with ANGEL INVESTORS, etc., to have these types of resources as part of this community to network and have available on this platform as an most needed option. Stay Encouraged In your endeavors. Peace & Blessings!

Posted by Cherra at 2024-08-15 14:06:39 UTC