I don't know how other people deal with new ideas. I have come along way over the past 3-4 years. As we entered Covid lockdown, I had a need for a better tool, than a Hula Hoe. I didn't find a better tool on the market and set out to make a tool. I have accomplished this beyond my dreams. "My need" Make a tool that works better than a Hula Hoe. Each year our lots must be stripped bare, to get rid of a weed called "Fox Tail". It is very harmful to your pets. Being a retired nurse, I have a number of back problems. All the heavy lifting took a tool on me. My military service didn't help that either. Each year spending three weeks on the end of a Hula Hoe was to much. Not enough pain pills, or muscle relaxers to help out this task. It would take me three weeks, 5-6 days each week, and 8-10 hours per day. I invented a tool for this task. It now takes me only 7 1/2 hours or less, to do this same yard. I have many local gardening service companies that now use my tool, not just homeowners. I have sold my tool a number of times in less than 10 seconds, it sold upon sight. I sell my "Shearer Hoe" for $125.00, or $140.00. Twice I have sold tools for $200.00. The price depends upon the length of the brackets used. People are more than welling to pay the price of my tool, because it works and delivers value for their dollars. I don't know of anyone else in the market place, that is selling a garden hoe for the price I get. My branding is "Fastest hoe in the West". People get a laugh out to this, but they also remember this. One day, there will be a time, that every gardening service provider will have at least two of these tools on every truck. The greatest market may well be in "Fire Prevention". This tool strips a lot bare of growth and weeds. Homes burn to the ground each year and these same homes may have been saved by doing one task. Strip an area of 25-50 feet around each home or business. A Hula Hoe gives you a working surface of 5 3/4 inches wide. My tool gives you a working surface of 14 inches wide. It will also do tasks that are impossible for a Hula Hoe. A Hula Hoe is cheap metal and must be replaced often. The metal bends down while in use. Without even knowing it, you are chasing this bend down with your back. My tool does not bend and it last for years. I am seeking an investor to help me take this tool to market. I am currently a one man shop, making this tool in my garage. Are you the person, I make very rich?

Posted by dadsatm2003 at 2024-06-27 23:19:36 UTC